Charlie Landsborough — Shine Your Light


Текст песни с аккордами



I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe
Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:-  [email protected]

Shine Your Light  Charlie Landsborough

Charlie sings this in the key of E


E                       A               E                 B7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
E                    A                    E           B7       E
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


E             A           E                B7
Long ago when I was just, a boy of tender years
E                  A              E          B7      E
My father told me life's a road, paved with joy and tears
E                 A                 E                       B7
And as you travel you must choose, between what's right and wrong
E                A          E            B7      E
Remember sin is giving in, for Heaven's sake be strong


E                       A               E                 B7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
E                    A                    E           B7       E
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


E               A            E                    B7
As I grew be - yond my teens, the world began to press
E                      A             E       B7        E
My father's words be - gan to fade, lost to selfish - ness
E                   A           E                      B7
And after years of walking down, the wrong side of the track
E                      A           E            B7         E
One night I cried and deep inside, my father's words came back


E                       A               E                 B7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
E                    A                    E           B7       E
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


A                             E       A               E
My father said that kindness is, the light of God in man
E                 A               E           B7   E
So I was told to shine like gold, on every - one I can


F                      Bb          F                      C7
I changed my ways and did my best, to right the wrong I'd done
F                  Bb         F               C7     F
I settled down and in a year, God blessed us with a son
F                Bb             F                   C7
Now he's barely nine years old, a learner on life's way
F                Bb           F          C7      F
He wonders why a day goes by, he doesn't hear me say


F                       Bb              F                 C7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
F                    Bb                   F           C7       F
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me

F                       Bb              F                 C7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
F                    Bb                   F           C7       F           Bb
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light, and shine your light

F                    Bb                   F           C7       F   F   Bb  F
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me



F                       Bb              F                 C7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
F                    Bb                   F           C7       F
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


F             Bb          F                C7
Long ago when I was just, a boy of tender years
F                  Bb             F          C7      F
My father told me life's a road, paved with joy and tears
F                 Bb                F                       C7
And as you travel you must choose, between what's right and wrong
F                Bb         F            C7      F
Remember sin is giving in, for Heaven's sake be strong


F                       Bb              F                 C7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
F                    Bb                   F           C7       F
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


F               Bb           F                    C7
As I grew be - yond my teens, the world began to press
F                      Bb            F       C7        F
My father's words be - gan to fade, lost to selfish - ness
F                   Bb          F                      C7
And after years of walking down, the wrong side of the track
F                      Bb          F            C7         F
One night I cried and deep inside, my father's words came back


F                       Bb              F                 C7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
F                    Bb                   F           C7       F
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


Bb                            F       Bb              F
My father said that kindness is, the light of God in man
F                 Bb              F           C7   F
So I was told to shine like gold, on every - one I can


Gb                     B           Gb                     Db7
I changed my ways and did my best, to right the wrong I'd done
Gb                 B          Gb              Db7    Gb
I settled down and in a year, God blessed us with a son
Gb               B              Gb                  Db7
Now he's barely nine years old, a learner on life's way
Gb               B            Gb         Db7     Gb
He wonders why a day goes by, he doesn't hear me say


Gb                      B               Gb                Db7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
Gb                   B                    Gb          Db7      Gb
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me

Gb                      B               Gb                Db7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
Gb                   B                    Gb          Db7      Gb          B
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light, and shine your light

Gb                   B                    Gb          Db7      Gb  Gb  B   Gb
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


G                       C               G                 D7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
G                    C                    G           D7       G
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


G             C           G                D7
Long ago when I was just, a boy of tender years
G                  C              G          D7      G
My father told me life's a road, paved with joy and tears
G                 C                 G                       D7
And as you travel you must choose, between what's right and wrong
G                C          G            D7      G
Remember sin is giving in, for Heaven's sake be strong


G                       C               G                 D7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
G                    C                    G           D7       G
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


G               C            G                    D7
As I grew be - yond my teens, the world began to press
G                      C             G       D7        G
My father's words be - gan to fade, lost to selfish - ness
G                   C           G                      D7
And after years of walking down, the wrong side of the track
G                      C           G            D7         G
One night I cried and deep inside, my father's words came back


G                       C               G                 D7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
G                    C                    G           D7       G
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


C                             G       C               G
My father said that kindness is, the light of God in man
G                 C               G           D7   G
So I was told to shine like gold, on every - one I can


G#                     C#          G#                     D#7
I changed my ways and did my best, to right the wrong I'd done
G#                 C#         G#              D#7    G#
I settled down and in a year, God blessed us with a son
G#               C#             G#                  D#7
Now he's barely nine years old, a learner on life's way
G#               C#           G#         D#7     G#
He wonders why a day goes by, he doesn't hear me say


G#                      C#              G#                D#7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
G#                   C#                   G#          D#7      G#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me

G#                      C#              G#                D#7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
G#                   C#                   G#          D#7      G#          C#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light, and shine your light

G#                   C#                   G#          D#7      G#  G#  C#  G#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


A                       D               A                 E7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
A                    D                    A           E7       A
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


A             D           A                E7
Long ago when I was just, a boy of tender years
A                  D              A          E7      A
My father told me life's a road, paved with joy and tears
A                 D                 A                       E7
And as you travel you must choose, between what's right and wrong
A                D          A            E7      A
Remember sin is giving in, for Heaven's sake be strong


A                       D               A                 E7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
A                    D                    A           E7       A
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


A               D            A                    E7
As I grew be - yond my teens, the world began to press
A                      D             A       E7        A
My father's words be - gan to fade, lost to selfish - ness
A                   D           A                      E7
And after years of walking down, the wrong side of the track
A                      D           A            E7         A
One night I cried and deep inside, my father's words came back


A                       D               A                 E7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
A                    D                    A           E7       A
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


D                             A       D               A
My father said that kindness is, the light of God in man
A                 D               A           E7   A
So I was told to shine like gold, on every - one I can


A#                     D#          A#                     F7
I changed my ways and did my best, to right the wrong I'd done
A#                 D#         A#              F7     A#
I settled down and in a year, God blessed us with a son
A#               D#             A#                  F7
Now he's barely nine years old, a learner on life's way
A#               D#           A#         F7      A#
He wonders why a day goes by, he doesn't hear me say


A#                      D#              A#                F7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
A#                   D#                   A#          F7       A#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me

A#                      D#              A#                F7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
A#                   D#                   A#          F7       A#          D#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light, and shine your light

A#                   D#                   A#          F7       A#  A#  D#  A#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


C                       F               C                 G7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
C                    F                    C           G7       C
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


C             F           C                G7
Long ago when I was just, a boy of tender years
C                  F              C          G7      C
My father told me life's a road, paved with joy and tears
C                 F                 C                       G7
And as you travel you must choose, between what's right and wrong
C                F          C            G7      C
Remember sin is giving in, for Heaven's sake be strong


C                       F               C                 G7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
C                    F                    C           G7       C
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


C               F            C                    G7
As I grew be - yond my teens, the world began to press
C                      F             C       G7        C
My father's words be - gan to fade, lost to selfish - ness
C                   F           C                      G7
And after years of walking down, the wrong side of the track
C                      F           C            G7         C
One night I cried and deep inside, my father's words came back


C                       F               C                 G7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
C                    F                    C           G7       C
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


F                             C       F               C
My father said that kindness is, the light of God in man
C                 F               C           G7   C
So I was told to shine like gold, on every - one I can


C#                     F#          C#                     G#7
I changed my ways and did my best, to right the wrong I'd done
C#                 F#         C#              G#7    C#
I settled down and in a year, God blessed us with a son
C#               F#             C#                  G#7
Now he's barely nine years old, a learner on life's way
C#               F#           C#         G#7     C#
He wonders why a day goes by, he doesn't hear me say


C#                      F#              C#                G#7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
C#                   F#                   C#          G#7      C#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me

C#                      F#              C#                G#7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
C#                   F#                   C#          G#7      C#          F#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light, and shine your light

C#                   F#                   C#          G#7      C#  C#  F#  C#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


D                       G               D                 A7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
D                    G                    D           A7       D
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


D             G           D                A7
Long ago when I was just, a boy of tender years
D                  G              D          A7      D
My father told me life's a road, paved with joy and tears
D                 G                 D                       A7
And as you travel you must choose, between what's right and wrong
D                G          D            A7      D
Remember sin is giving in, for Heaven's sake be strong


D                       G               D                 A7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
D                    G                    D           A7       D
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


D               G            D                    A7
As I grew be - yond my teens, the world began to press
D                      G             D       A7        D
My father's words be - gan to fade, lost to selfish - ness
D                   G           D                      A7
And after years of walking down, the wrong side of the track
D                      G           D            A7         D
One night I cried and deep inside, my father's words came back


D                       G               D                 A7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
D                    G                    D           A7       D
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me


G                             D       G               D
My father said that kindness is, the light of God in man
D                 G               D           A7   D
So I was told to shine like gold, on every - one I can


D#                     G#          D#                     A#7
I changed my ways and did my best, to right the wrong I'd done
D#                 G#         D#              A#7    D#
I settled down and in a year, God blessed us with a son
D#               G#             D#                  A#7
Now he's barely nine years old, a learner on life's way
D#               G#           D#         A#7     D#
He wonders why a day goes by, he doesn't hear me say


D#                      G#              D#                A#7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
D#                   G#                   D#          A#7      D#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me

D#                      G#              D#                A#7
Shine your light, a - gainst the dark, stand upright and make your mark
D#                   G#                   D#          A#7      D#          G#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light, and shine your light

D#                   G#                   D#          A#7      D#  D#  G#  D#
Do your best, wher - ever you may be, and shine your light for me



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